Saturday, September 24, 2005

Busy Days

No time to really post anything new, because there is SO much to talk about. Ken and Cindy and President Broad and Vice President Bataille of the University of North Carolina system arrived on Thursday for the 100th Anniversary celebration of Fudan University. It is great to have so many good friends here now. It's been a tough first month getting acquainted to everything and this is such a treat for my "good behavior" so far...

Unfortunately, I'm sick again and it's really taking it out of me. I'm taking an antibiotic now, hoping it will go ahead and kill of whatever funk I keep getting.

Life is good. Check back soon for some real details about the past 24 hours.


At September 29, 2005 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Hey Matt! Good to catch up with you through your blog! I hope things are going better for you in China, and that you are enjoying the experience. Take Care!

Homer Dearmin

At September 29, 2005 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Cindy came over today - she told me that you were sick and that she couldn't make you well enough. The pollution is really something. I probably wouldn't do so well either (I have silly lungs!)
I hear that the celebration was amazing and that Cindy shed tears when she stepped on the Great Wall. It is as it should be... such a piece of history! And, you are there. Soak it in!

At September 29, 2005 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Hey Matt.

So sorry to hear you're sick but I'm really glad Dino shared this URL with me. I'm looking forward to all the news from China!


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