Thursday, November 10, 2005


Do I Look Like This Pig???

So I found out my nickname at work. All the girls call me MaiDou (like Fido, but Mido) which translates to McDull. McDull is this cartoon pig from a Hong Kong children's movie.

"McDull, the piglet, was born dimwitted despite his mother's prayers for a handsome, smart son. There's no Dad around, so Mom has to make do alone. Mom continually prays for McDull's luck and life to change. However, his desires are simple. He wants to go to the Maldives. He wants a turkey dinner for Christmas. He wants things that are beyond their means."

"They really can't afford these things, but his mother tries to please him anyway. She gets him the turkey, but the leftovers drive him crazy. Instead of the Maldives, she takes McDull to The Peak and pretends it's the Maldives. In exchange, McDull can only give into his mother's wishes and attempt to make something of himself. He decides to train to become an Olympic level athlete. However, the trade he learns is Cheng Chau Bun Catching, which involves training heavily to snatch meat buns from large towers."

Umm.. yeah.. they tell me that it's a really good movie for adults because it's really deep and McDull is a really good character, so it's a good nick name. It's all in Canonese, so even I found the movie, I couldn't understand it anyway.


At November 10, 2005 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

What the crap?? I told you those Commies were nuts. But you wouldn't listen and went over there anyway, and now you're named after a semi-retarded pig. Congratulations. I hope you're happy.

At November 13, 2005 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Pimpin McDull,
Thats what Im talking about you have to start wearing your hats to the side like that...

At November 15, 2005 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

hey bro,

remember when we were kids and you called me Ratboy all the time? Now I finally have something to call you. PIGBOY

At November 16, 2005 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Hey Matt!

Hope life is treating you well over there in China! Hope to see you back Stateside soon! Take care, and keep having a good time.



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